Money or Wealth whichever we can name it is an essential thing to have a better life.
There is always a lack of money in many people’s lives, it’s true, either they are not able to earn more or they are not able to manage it properly.
There are many books available in the market regarding how to earn more and more money, few are really awesome like “Think and grow rich”, “You were born rich” and the “Secrets of the millionaire mind”.

Might you have read a few already, still there is a question out there,
Why I don’t have enough money to fulfill my dreams?
Believe me, the first thing you have to do is – stop looking for an answer!
Yes, you read it right!
Stop getting confused all the time, People who think that they can earn more by just read about money, are on the wrong path.
If you think you need more money, if you think you deserve more?
Let’s make it clear:
Instead of thinking about money start thinking and working on yourself, here are few questions that can make it easier to understand
1- How much money do you think you should have at your current age?
2-What attribute do you have, which is paying you really awesome till now?
3-What did you do today which will grow your income or wealth?
4-How many ways do you know about growing money?
5- What method worked for you when you earn the largest amount of money?
Separate yourself from money for few moments and answer the above question answer honestly to yourself.
It was never a tough thing for you to earn money, it was the purpose, your expectations, and the surroundings that gave you a little less than you expected.
It’s true, and the most painful part is that you became comfortable with what you got!
You stop upgrade your education since you got a job,
You stop investing since you get few new burdens in your life.
You stop discussing money by giving excuses that “I don’t care about money”.
Crying for money is not a crime, but not taking action for it, is really an awful act.
Use a little time every day to plan, for an act, to re-consider, or re-align your plans about GROWING money instead of only earning it.
Earning money can be easy, Saving money can be tough, but growing money is really hard. So plan for the hardest part as you always do.
Think about it.